LOGO USAGE GUIDELINESOur logo consists of the wordmark and 3 lines of colors Red, Blue and Black.
It is not allowed to distort the logo or to alter its proportions in any way.
It is not allowed to manipulate or change the positions or proportions of the wordmark and or the 3 lines of colors used.
It is not allowed to use individual parts of the logo separately.
It is not allowed to copy the logo with other lettering or to make additional attachments of any kind.
It is not allowed to reproduce or use the logo in any other colors than those defined by TENSOR.
Logos are available for download in the following formats:
EPS: An editable working file for print & vector output
PDF: Editable for print & vector output
JPG: Compressed for on-screen (web & PowerPoint)
PNG: Transparent background, compressed for on-screen (web & PowerPoint)